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Customer Reviews for JellyandJemima - an Etsy Shop

Everyone reads your reviews. And they'll read pages of them looking for a bad review to see why that order failed. We all do it. It's prudent and necessary as a buyer.  

As a shop owner, when you see someone has left you a review, you hold your breath and say sweet things to The Universe in hopes it's a good review - crossing your fingers it's a great review. Because no matter how awesome your customer service might be, it's impossible to please everyone everywhere all of the time. The absolute worst is when it's out of your control. (Two weeks before Christmas I started begging The Universe to be on my side. Please, please, please let every package reach their destination in time!)

Customer service is extremely important to me. I want the best for myself when I'm shopping and I want others to feel they receive the very best from me. I process each order from beginning to end so the buck stops with me. There's no one to blame if a customer is unhappy with what they receive from my store. But they have to receive it and I can't tell you how nerve wracking it is waiting for each customer's tracking page to read delivered. I'm on pins and needles!

Fortunately - to date - I've pleased (almost) everyone.  Almost.  It's not hard to find - that one review with the one star and the lengthy reason my customer was so gosh danged pissed at me.  And with a little extra irony thrown in, even after all of my pleadings and prayers, my Etsy app dinged just before dawn on Christmas morning with the news. The man had ordered on Sunday Dec. 20th and although I shipped first thing Monday morning, being Christmas week, the post office didn't deliver until the day after. That totally s*cks!  I'm right there with you man!  Of course he was disappointed and lashed out but it broke my perfect record of great reviews as well as my heart.

When this sort of thing happens - it's very hard to "shake it off." (The advice from family members when they ask,"why the long face?")

But eventually you do shake it off and you hope that all the other GREAT reviews hold more weight than the one bad one.  I've found they usually do.

When you know you've done your very best, checked everything twice and sent something you covet yourself to someone who has placed their trust in you - if just for this brief moment in time - you relish each and every wonderful review that your customers take the time to post.

Here are just a few from JellyandJemima

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