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Etsy Forum Trolls

Periodically I wander over to the Etsy Forum to see what discussions might be taking place or site bugs I should know about. When business is unusually slow, I also like to see if other shop owners are experiencing the same slow down. I've come to discover I'm not alone in this most of the time which can be comforting.

What I've STOPPED doing in the Forum is asking questions or commenting. Within seconds of posting my question or concern or affirmation of someone else's post, an Etsy Forum Troll will call me out for some weird off the wall reason. It never really pertains to what I've posted. It's just a brief, cynical, sarcastic response OR a lengthy lecture of all that I'm doing wrong and the page and subsection of the Etsy Seller's Handbook for proof. I'm left for a few moments in utter disbelief at the Forum Troll's lack of boundaries but of course I get over it...eventually. It's galling to have this happen though. And I swear my questions are not a bother. I once asked what the difference between views and visits were and OMG! My jaw dropped at the rudeness. 

I've also never figured out how all of these supposedly SUPER SUCCESSFUL shop owners with all their advice and vast knowledge of the handbook have the time to hang around the forum hour after hour, day after day, continuously posting how super successful they are and all the things we worried shop owners are doing wrong with our shops. It's odd. I just find there aren't enough hours in the day as it is.

Bottom line - my advice is stay away and if you're just dying to ask a question for a solution to a problem you have - email Etsy or be prepared for Forum Trolls and their smug rudeness at how stupid you really are...

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