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Showing posts from 2015

Etsy Forum Trolls

Periodically I wander over to the Etsy Forum to see what discussions might be taking place or site bugs I should know about. When business is unusually slow, I also like to see if other shop owners are experiencing the same slow down. I've come to discover I'm not alone in this most of the time which can be comforting. What I've STOPPED doing in the Forum is asking questions or commenting. Within seconds of posting my question or concern or affirmation of someone else's post, an Etsy Forum Troll will call me out for some weird off the wall reason. It never really pertains to what I've posted. It's just a brief, cynical, sarcastic response OR a lengthy lecture of all that I'm doing wrong and the page and subsection of the Etsy Seller's Handbook for proof. I'm left for a few moments in utter disbelief at the Forum Troll's lack of boundaries but of course I get over it...eventually. It's galling to have this happen though. And I swear

Viral Gold!

As an Etsy shop owner , I keep a watchful eye on my stats.  I notice immediately when views start to rise and fall.  I'm convinced that the whole of the internet works in waves and moves around the entire earth - like during a football game, eventually coming back to your particular spot.  There are certain days and certain hours I feel off the grid and then all of a sudden I'm back.  I noticed it years ago when I mapped the sales from my Yahoo! store on a large wall map of the United States. It seems to me that the same might be true on Etsy. Of course I have no way of proving this, but statistically speaking, an argument could be made if one were to forensically analyze all that information. But again, I can see it with a wall map. I noticed one day that my views shot up from about 75 to well over 400. I got several orders within a half hour. Then 500 and 600 views. Orders started to cha-ching all day and into the night. I went behind the scenes and looked at my traffic s

Jelly and Jemima Featured on ! GAME CHANGER: You Can Buy Just The Lucky Charms Marshmallows… IN BULK! by  Mariel Loveland Posted on  March 31, 2015, 1:27 PM Anyone who has ever had that childhood dream of watching Saturday morning cartoons and snacking on a bowl of Lucky Charms sans the actual cereal, you can now enjoy that nostalgic, tooth-tickling sweetness you’ve been longing for. Lucky Charms marshmallows are available all by themselves — and even in bulk! Jelly And Jemima’ s cute little Etsy shop offers adorable mason jars filled with the sweets. They’re 100% General Mills Lucky Charms-branded marshmallows, and they’re all carefully picked out of the cereal in a commercial bakery with an A health rating. That’s way more classy than sticking your hands in the box and hoping you get a few marshmallows in your handful. (Source: Etsy /  Jelly And Jemima ) ** Update: February 2016 ** Unfortunately, had to

Pot of Marshmallow Gold!

Just the Marshmallows! Extra Lucky! Buy Here A Jar of Just the Marshmallow Charms  from  General Mills® Lucky Charms® Cereal. Pint - The Perfect Size for a Little Encouragement! Quart - A Super Fun Present! Half-Gallon - Go Big or Go Home! Jars are gift wrapped in colorful festive bags with lots of crinkle and bright pretty tissue. Facebook Twitter #JustTheMarshmallowLuckyCharms #JustMarshmallows #MarshmallowsOnly #PinkHearts #GreenClover #Rainbow #YellowHourglass #ShootingStar #LuckyCharmsCereal #ThatsCool #LuckyCharms #MagicallyDelicious #GottaHaveMyLuckyCharms